The Voices of Gifted Adults

a focus group study
Welcome and thank you for your interest in this FOCUS GROUP STUDY!

The study is part of a larger research project, in which we hope to find some answers to these questions:

  1. What is the current state of research  & knowledge about gifted adults?
  2. What is needed to develop research that increases our understanding?
  3. How should research efforts be directed in the next 5 years?


This Focus Group Study ensures that the voices of gifted adults are included in the conversation.

There is no one definition of adult giftedness. So if you are wondering who can participate, we keep it simple:

  • You are 18 years of age or older
  • You self-identify as being gifted, and can tell us why (we do not ask for ‘proof’)

Because we will be conducting the group discussions online, there are some practical and privacy requirements too. If you are considering participating, please carefully consider the questions on the Criteria page.  Let us know you’re interested by using the Contact Us page by June 30 (MST).

ALL of the information about this Focus Group Study can be found on our Info for Participants page.

Another part of this research project – the Delphi Study – has already commenced. It seeks the views and opinions of researchers and others working with gifted adults.


This Focus Group Study and the Delphi Study will overlap.  This is intentional.  The information emerging from one group can inform the other.


Perhaps this will be the start of important collaborations.  We’ll see!

This is our team.  Maggie will be facilitating the Focus Groups.

Maggie Brown

Maggie Brown

PhD Candidate

Faculty of Science

Department of Psychology

University of Auckland

Dr. Elizabeth Peterson

Dr. Elizabeth Peterson

Senior Lecturer

Faculty of Science

Department of Psychology

University of Auckland

Dr. Catherine Rawlinson

Dr. Catherine Rawlinson

Senior Lecturer

Faculty of Education and Social Work: Learning, Development and Professional Practise

University of Auckland